3 Big Life Lessons That Are Worth Hanging On Your Wall To Remind Yourself Daily


1. Choose!

Everyday, all day long we are choosing.

What time to get up, what to eat, what to wear, etc. But most important of all: We are choosing how we respond to everything that happens in our life. How we see and experience the world depends on it. If we are not aware of our choices, we won't be aware that we can choose our thoughts. And thoughts shapes our life experience.

Not choosing is still a choice. Life will choose for us, 'randomly'.

2. Have a strong vision.

Or in Napoleon Hill's words: A strong Definite purpose for life.

If not, we will be lost at sea and purposeless drift. There will be enough 'lost at sea' moments, which are great for reorientation by asking ourselves what it is we truly want.

Don't make drifting a habit. Re-focus or stay focused on your vision.

3. Don't talk about your plans or vision.

Instead take action.

I've fallen for talking about my plans way too many times, only to start doubting myself or to feel discouraged. My mentor told me not to share or discuss with anyone what I am up to, but instead, to use that energy to act on my plans.

This advice turned my plans into happenings.
