The Simplest Way To Overcome Discomfort: Lean in


No one likes to experience discomfort, whether it is pain, awkwardness or any other form of discomfort.

It is in our nature to look for comfort whenever we experience discomfort. But life isn't comfortable and it is not meant to be. It is meant for growth and learning. Lots of learning.

My mentor said once to me (when I was very uncomfortable): "Discomfort can be your biggest teacher if you are willing to be a student. Embrace it and LEAN IN!"

I realised that I had been trying so hard to be comfortable, that it only added to my level of discomfort.

This is how I learned to 'lean in':

Embrace the discomfort by seeing it as a challenge.

The challenge is to face your discomfort full on, whatever the nature of your discomfort is. Explore every aspect. Where is it located and can you move closer? How close can you get to the discomfort? How does it feel? What is it saying? Listen and stay with the discomfort. Don't move away from it.. Feel and breath deeply. LEAN IN!

The moment you accept the challenge and lean in, is the moment you stop resisting. You will begin to relax into the discomfort, want teaches you to be comfortable with being uncomfortable.

Remember that being uncomfortable is a natural part of personal growth and the experience is an opportunity for self-discovery and improvement.

I learned to associate discomfort with getting better. - Tim Ferriss
