5 Reasons Why You Want To Aim For Your Next Level Game.
Have you ever felt stuck, bored or you don’t know what your 'next' is?
I have found myself in that state countless of times. To be honest, it is a recurring thing. Unconsciously I’ve let myself drift off, playing a mediocre game. Instead of joy, courage, faith and a definiteness of purpose my game breaths complacency, subtle fears and distraction.
The moment I am able to see and admit that I am no longer play the game I desire to play, is the moment my Next Level game is born.
If you are like me and are always looking for ways to play a bigger game, these reasons will inspire you.
Here are 5 reasons why I aim to play Next Level games.
1. Getting clear on a higher purpose
Why bother to play if I am not aiming for the highest game to date, to give it my all and explore new levels?
In order to win, I have to be clear on what there is to ‘win’? What am I exactly aiming for? This aim can be a state of being, a specific goal or a skill I like to develop.
I know when it is my highest game if it feels exciting but (uncomfortably) challenging.
2. Learning to think Accurately
Thinking accurately is half of the work.
With a definite purpose in mind, I am prone to keep my eyes on the ball and therefor think accurate thoughts: Thoughts that are rooted in faith, hope, courage and alignment, with little to no tolerance for drifting thoughts rooted in self doubt and fear.
It is easier to let go or break through distracting habits when I think accurately.
3. Letting go of limitations much faster
I bump into my limiting beliefs much faster.
When I am committed to play a higher game, there is no time to ponder my failures and mistakes for too long. Especially there is no time for self judgement. Getting comfortable making mistakes and fail is a big win.
4. Being decisive
I am a queen in waisting time and energy, so this is my favourite of all.
I don't always make quick decision, except when I am playing a Next Level game. I simply choose. If it turns out to be the ‘wrong’ decision, I will know soon and learn from the experience.
5. Having no tolerance for poor self care.
Taking care of myself in a Next Level game is not a luxury, it is a necessity. To rest, eat healthy, work out and do things that supports my well being is crucial to play big. Doing absolutely nothing or going to the movies is part of Self care to.
I am aiming to win, but I always notice that winning becomes secondary when the joy of playing, as well as the challenges, bring about the Next Level!
I almost never play a game by myself, I like to play with others; whether through a program I join, reaching out to friends or finding people in my community. The accountability and support feels like a secret sauce for success.
Enjoy playing your Next Level game! Aim high.